Rathfarnham WSAF Athletic Club are happy to announce that DNG Auctioneers and Heritage Credit Union in Rathfarnham are to be the main sponsors of the 2022 Rathfarnham 5k Road Race. Race Director Peter J. Claffey has said that the Club are delighted to be able to work with DNG and Heritage again. They have been great supporters of the race over the years. We will work with them to make the 2022 Rathfarnham 5k race a great success.
Author: Peter Claffey
Emerson to be main sponsor of Rathfarnham 5k Run 2017
Rathfarnham WSAF Athletic Club are pleased to announce that Emerson will be the main sponsor for the Rathfarnham 5k Run in 2017. Our chosen charity for the 5k will be St. Luke’s Hospital, Rathgar. We look forward to working with Emerson and St. Luke’s to make this year’s run a great success for all.
Launch of New Ireland Rathfarnham 5k Run 2016 in Trinity College
On Tuesday 31st August 2016 members of Rathfarnham WSAF AC joined with New Ireland Assurance staff in Trinity College for the launch of the New Ireland Rathfarnham 5k Run. Also present was Gerry Murphy, from Met Eireann and RTE weather forcaster, who ran with the Club for several years. Gerry is our celebrity starter for the 2016 Rathfarnham 5k run.
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2016
Launch of Rathfarnham 5k Run in Trinity College
On Wednesday 26th August 2015 Rathfarnham WSAF AC Members joined the New Ireland Assurance team to officially launch the Rathfarnham 5k in College Park, Trinity College Dublin. They were joined by Gerry Kiernan (RTE Athletics correspondent and 8th Olympic Marathon, Los Angeles 1984) and Caitriona Jennings (Marathon London Olympics, 2012 and Rathfarnham WSAF Athletic Club member). Gerry is to be this year’s Rathfarnham 5k Official Starter.
New Ireland Asssurance to sponsor Rathfarnham 5k Run for 2015
New Ireland Rathfarnham 5k article in Fitmagazine today
Thanks to Frank Greilly for publishing an article in today’s Fitmagazine, which is an insert into the Health and Living section of today’s Irish Independent. Numbers are coming in rapidly so get your’s in today.
Official Launch of New Ireland Rathfarnham 5k Run
On 20th August we launched our 5k with Rathfarnham WSAF AC members including Sean Hehir, who was Dublin City Marathon Winner in 2013 and first Irish man home in the recent European Marathon championships. Also at the launch were New Ireland staff Don O’Carroll who is a Club member and Deirdre O’Sullivan, Events Manager at New Ireland. Thanks for their support.
Click photo to enlarge.
T shirts have arrived
As previously advertised on our homepage we have taken delivery of our royal blue teeshirt which will be given out to the first 1,300 who complete their registration for this year’s New Ireland Rathfarnham 5k. They have the same design as those pictured except the logos and race title will be in one colour, white. Entries are coming in already, so get yours in today.